Speaker Conference Gifts
Welcome to my website!
Thank you for watching my interview on Avaiya University's The Dog Behaviors Solution Series!
Your desire to deeply connect with your beloved animal companions benefits them, the planet, and will organically catapult your evolutionary journey to be of sacred service in your unique way.
Read more about my books here.
Enjoy the gifts below that are only good for event attendees.
Don't forget to sign up for my monthly newsletters for tips to help you and your animals reach a new level of emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness.
Thank you for your love of animals and for your beautiful sacred work in the world!
Love, Tammy (Bodhi & Rumi)
Gift #1
Gratitude to Animals
Guided Meditation by Tammy Billups
Animals have consistently showed up to serve humanity. They show us love and are our divine messengers and teachers. They bring us joy and console us when we're down.
This guided meditation was created to take a few minutes to simply send gratitude and love to animals for their sacred service.
Bonus Gift #2
Connecting with Your Animal’s Spirit
(excerpt from Chapter 2 of Animal Soul Contracts)
This technique can be used while your animal companion is stillwith you, as well as after they have returned to Spirit.
Sit comfortably and relax by taking several deep breaths into your heart.
Call upon your animal’s soul, and ask them to join you. Youcan do this telepathically, or by voicing your request out loud, or both. Imagine them sitting in front of you, next to you, or perhaps on your lap.
Continue to breathe directly into your heart. Maybe place a hand on your heart to help you to relax.
Imagine a beautiful metallic golden cord of light connecting your heart to your animal’s heart.
Relax and breathe into this sacred heart-to-heart connection. Feel the love flowing through the connection.
In this sacred and loving space, you will be granting them a huge wish if you allow them to send you love and gratitude for all you have done for them.
Breathe and receive.
Share any thoughts with him or her, or ask a question. Express any thoughts you have, no matter the emotion associated with it.
You might sense an answer, see a visual image or certain color, or simply feel their love. Answers to your questions might arrive in that moment, later in a dream, or in a unique way in the days that follow.
Let your animal’s soul help you to heal any part of you that is hurting.
Give yourself permission to release and heal. This is a way to honor their soul.
Express gratitude.
Special Offer
Use the following code to receive $20 off one Animal-Human Tandem Healing*
AU22 (please reference this code on your intake form when asked what brought you to Tammy's work; cannot be used on a 3-pack of sessions. You might need to provide email confirmation that you attended the summit.)
*Sessions must transpire by 3.31.25 to receive discount and sign up to receive Tammy's monthly newsletter. Click here to schedule your session. Click here to fill out the required intake forms and read the step-by-step instructions for the session. Click here to pay for the session to secure your timeslot.