Healing Sessions · Mentoring
Tammy offers three types of deeply profound one-hour intuitive healing sessions to reveal and release energy blocks and emotional wound patterns that might be showing up as emotional, behavioral, or physical issues.
Click on the individual service for more details.
All services are facilitated remotely.
(Via phone if you reside in the U.S.; Zoom audio outside of the U.S.)
Healing For Animals
​The benefits of a healing session for your animal companion are endless!
It can effectively assist your pets with behavioral issues, physical ailments, emotional issues, and heal from traumas.
Just as we feel more content in a well-balanced space, our animal companions, who share our needs and desires, want to feel in balance. They feel the emotional and physical stresses, changes and shifts in their environment and sometimes need assistance to enhance their wellness.
Healing For PeoPle
Tammy's unique Interface Energy Healing Sessions are an amazing and powerful holistic modality which combines psychological awareness with deep grounding for an integrated sense of safety and empowerment through the ancient wisdom of healing through the subtle energy field.
She taps into specific emotional wound patterns to heal them at their core!
Deeper, more profound energy healing assists with your sense of security and trust, self-worth, relationship health and boundaries, spiritual connection and your ability to manifest changes and move forward in your life.
AnImal-HumAn TAnDeM HeAling
Animal lovers get ready for a dramatic shift!
Tammy developed her signature healing modality, Tandem Healings™, to accelerate your mutual growth, transformation and evolution.
She was astonished at the extraordinary results of the tandem healing case studies she conducted years ago.
They revealed that pets and their people healed faster, and with longer-lasting results, when she connected with them both during the same healing session.
MenTorSHip & SuPERvIsioN
Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make.
You don't have to go it alone.
Successful practitioners are always seeking to learn, grow and get their practice to the next level to reach and help more people and animals. Mentors can provide a shift and lift in the way you see client situations and help with your clients and how you respond to them.